available for: France / Spain / Germany / Ask other?)
Buy the perfume Mutinus Titinus (50ml)
Signature de prestige.
Habitual external price: 24.90€ (France), 23.90€ (Spain) or 25.90€ (Germany). Buy direct Mutinus Titinus site 35€ (post fees included).
When paid you also download "Alive still" (techno/pop) and a PDF file (telepath powers).
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Your name, other name or message text. It will be added to the design. Text suggestion could appear here 𓇓𓏲𓏏𓐍𓃩𓀭
Touchez 0.50€ par parfum vendu via vous (faites que l'acheteur indique
votre email en achetant dans le champ: "Indicate (in case) the email of
referer". Valable que pour le parfum officiel Mutinus Titinus.
a referrer, 0.50€ each perfume sold, the buyer will have to put your
email when buyin in the PayPal form with this name: "Indicate (in case)
the email of referer". Only for Mutinus Titinus official Perfume.